Friday, 26 February 2016

Task 4A- Initial Inquiry questions

  After going through Reader 4, my head was full of questions and queries that I face each and every day as a performer. I spoke to peers and work colleagues to try and come up with a suitable short list, ones that had room for development.

1. As discussed in my blogs, performers are required to be so much more than 'talents', but need many other skills in order to succeed. Should colleges teach music editing skills, how to create voice and show reels and basic production skills? I spend much of my work life gigging around the country and have had to teach myself all these skills, without having any knowledge or experience.

2. Whilst training, we were under the illusion that things only happened in London and if you were to move away from the walls of the M25, you career and life would be over. After 5 years in London in decided to move back home up North. I have been extremely successful with work (granted not West End) and have worked in many tours, festivals and huge corporate events all through Northern based contacts. However, is the performance industry biased against non London performers? What challenges to performers face when living outside of London?

3. Should colleges teach business classes? I'm sure this is a question nearly every single self employed performer wishes they were taught when training. I remember doing my first self assessment tax return and literally not having one clue where to start. Knowing all performers will have to do this, should it be included into a college timetable to prepare us for working life. Also sending invoices and receipts, although are relatively simple, we were never ever told anything before hand. I feel especially in third year, it should be brought in so graduating students are not going into a world completely clueless.

4. What do people count as success? I used to think unless I was in a West end show or Beyoncés backing dancer I was unsuccessful. I have since rethought this and found there are many paths to success and it can be on many different levels and platforms. Are we too harsh on ourselves and what we count as success?

I will continue to research these questions, surveying and interviewing friends and peers to find out their opinions and which questions interest them the most.

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