Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Personal Agency as a 'catalyst for change'

Development of task 1A

So after reading Paula's latest blog, talking of Mezirow's explanation of Personal Agency;
Personal ‘agency’ is related to the capacity of someone to be actively involved in what they do, making changes and perhaps even experiencing a transformative process (Mezirow, 1981). 

This sparked many thoughts for me about myself, my professional practice, and how I feel it is so important to embrace change in order to grow in our career. Keeping proactive within our career is crucial, particularly in an ever changing world of technology and new Web 2.0 networks developing all the time. 

With this in mind I have looked at my Linked In profile, as this is the most accessed and viewed portal of my Cv.  I have altered the skills section, making sure everything is channelled towards myself as a performer and teacher, rather than general skills that can be quite vague and unimpressive. I have also looked at others Cvs to see ways in which I can change and improve to become more appealing to an employer. I noticed some people include other jobs such as bar work and retail within their professional CVs. Whilst I understand these show an employer various skills such as time keeping, organisation and team work, I feel I would like to keep this separate from my performance and teaching CV, keeping everything on their relevant to the industry.

However as all performers know too well, the work does not always come flooding in and we often find ourselves in these jobs, to pay our bills, rent etc. So I decided I would create a third CV for this purpose, including all my experience in retail, bar work and everything in between.  

By taking a look at my work, and the work of others, I am able to reflect on positive areas and ways in which I can enhance myself and my profile for others to see, therefore becoming a catalyst for change within my professional practice.

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