Saturday, 10 October 2015

Task 1B Continued… Ethical Considerations

What do we want the world to see?

   This topic has sparked many conversations between colleagues, peers and other professionals… What should you post on your social media?

   It’s happened to us all; an embarrassing photo appears on our newsfeed, considerately posted by a friend who is probably laughing their heads off at your expense. Now I am all for having a giggle and posting funny photos and great holiday snaps for your friends and family to enjoy and share memories, but who sees these photos and are you portraying a professional and employable image?

     It is so important, in my opinion to keep my profile private, so only people who I choose can see my private accounts, even then I monitor what goes on there and what I say. Also as a teacher I feel it is crucial that teachers do not ‘friend’ students, as this completely breaks a professional barrier. An interesting article says ‘Teachers are probably the most vulnerable group in danger from violations of boundary crossing between one’s personal and professional lives’ (Kuehn, 2010, p. 86)
   I have endless Facebook friend requests from students who I teach on a daily basis, and whilst you might feel like you are being ignorant, it is imperative, I feel, to decline. Once those boundaries are crossed, it opens a window of potential disasters. No matter how much you monitor your profile… a sneaky tag from an embarrassing picture, can quickly make your employability and professional etiquette rapidly decline.
As I explained in the previous post, my facebook and twitter accounts have helped me in my career on several occasions. For that reason I created a professional account for both medias, so I may use these forums and groups, keeping my private and social life completely separate, appearing employable and professional at all times.

  What may be funny to our friends, may be an off put to an employer…. Always think about what you post!

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